Terms and Conditions for Trust and Trip

Trademark Name: Trust and Trip

Applicability of the Agreement: This User Agreement outlines the terms and conditions under which Trust&trip Experiences pvt Ltd., trading as Trust and Trip ("Trust and Trip"), provides services to the person(s) ("the User") intending to purchase or inquire about any products and/or services through Trust and Trip’s various user interfaces. These interfaces include websites, mobile apps, sales personnel, offices, call centers, and advertising campaigns. Both the User and Trust and Trip are individually referred to as 'Party' to the agreement and collectively as 'Parties'.

User's Responsibility of Cognizance: Users availing services from Trust and Trip are deemed to have read, understood, and expressly accepted the terms and conditions of this agreement, which govern all transactions and service provisions by Trust and Trip and are binding on the User. Trust and Trip reserves the right to terminate access to its websites or services at any time without notice for maintenance or other reasons.

Specific Service Terms: In addition to this User Agreement, specific terms of service (TOS) related to particular services or products such as air tickets, holiday packages, etc., will be provided by Trust and Trip. These TOS are considered part of this User Agreement. In the event of a conflict, the terms of this Agreement shall prevail.

Third-Party Account Information: By using the account access service, the User authorizes Trust and Trip and its agents to access third-party sites designated by them on their behalf for retrieving information. The User is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their account and password and for all activities that occur under their account.

Confidentiality: Users must maintain the confidentiality of any information labeled as confidential by Trust and Trip and disclose it only as required by law or to fulfill the purposes of this agreement.

Website and Mobile App Usage: Users use the Trust and Trip website and app at their own risk. Trust and Trip is not liable for any inaccuracies on its platforms. Users must not alter, duplicate, or misuse any content from Trust and Trip's platforms.

Insurance: Unless specifically included by Trust and Trip, obtaining adequate insurance coverage is the User's responsibility. Trust and Trip will not accept any claims arising from insufficient insurance coverage.

Force Majeure: Trust and Trip is not liable for failures to provide services caused by circumstances beyond its reasonable control, including natural disasters, strikes, government actions, terrorism, or disruptions in transportation services.

Visa Obligations of the User: The User is responsible for obtaining any necessary visas. Trust and Trip is not liable for any issues arising from visa requirements, including inability to travel or refunds for untraveled bookings.

Indemnification: The User agrees to indemnify Trust and Trip from any losses, liabilities, claims, or expenses incurred due to the User's breach of this agreement or misuse of Trust and Trip's services.

Right to Refuse and Cancellation: Trust and Trip reserves the right to refuse any user service or cancel bookings without explanation. Actions may be taken against Users who breach this agreement or provide invalid user information.

Severability: If any provision of this agreement is found invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of the agreement remains enforceable.

Relationship: Nothing in this agreement creates a partnership or agency relationship between the User and Trust and Trip.

Modification of Terms: Trust and Trip reserves the right to modify these terms at any time. Users are responsible for reviewing these terms regularly.

Jurisdiction: This agreement is governed by the laws of India, and any disputes will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in Delhi, India.

Usage of Customer's Holiday Pictures: Pictures or videos shared by customers may be used on Trust and Trip's social media platforms unless the customer requests their non-use.